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Manuscripts in all submission categories -- articles, review articles, communications, and book reviews -- must be submitted electronically. Go to the S&S website, click on the Submit Manuscript link, and follow the instructions provided there. Most common word-processing formats can be used, but we encourage authors to put their manuscripts into pdf format for this purpose.
Footnotes (numbered consecutively) should be used sparingly, and only for substantive material whose inclusion in the body of the text would be distracting. Citations in the text follow the "author-date" system, described in detail in the Chicago Manual of Style (latest edition). Examples follow.
In the text:
". . . a uniform conception of all phenomena under an indisputable whole" (Kautsky, 1916, 22; cf. 32-3).
According to Karl Kautsky (1916, 22), . . .
nearly three decades earlier (HI, 1990, 152-4).
". . . that my activity is something else" (Marx, 1975b, 314).
At the end of the manuscript:
HI. 1990. Healy Dorothy, and Maurice Isserman. Dorothy Healy Remembers. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Multiple authors]
Kautsky, Karl. 1916 (1902). The Social Revolution. Chicago, Illinois: Charles H. Kerr and Co. [Cited and original publication dates]
Marx, Karl. 1975a. Difference Between the Democritean. . .
Marx, Karl. 1975b. Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. Pp. 245-298 in Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works New York: International Publishers. [Multiple works by single author in a given year; style for citation of a component within a larger work]
Rubinstein, Annette T. 1985. "Fiction of the Thirties; Josephine Herbst." Science & Society, 49:1 (Spring), 91-100. [Style for journal article citation]
Authors using archival references or extensive citations from primary documents or periodicals may request detailed style instructions from the Editor.
Submissions are reviewed in four categories:
A) |
Articles, normally not exceeding 10,000 words in length. |
B) |
Communications, 3,000 words in length, usually written as responses to previously published articles or as contributions to on-going discussions. |
C) |
Review articles, 3,000 words in length. The decision to submit in this category is based on a belief that the book(s), films, exhibits, or performances in question merit treatment at greater length than is allowed for reviews (category D), and on a commitment to provide references and background information. |
D) |
Reviews, not exceeding 1,200 words. While we accept unsolicited reviews, potential reviewers are urged to consult with the Editor before undertaking the writing of a review. It should be understood that all reviews are refereed, and publication is not automatic. Book reviews do not have footnotes or references. We reserve the right to make cuts in review manuscripts that exceed the stated length. |