The Spanish Civil War: Ideologies, Experiences, Historical
Recovery Homage to Robert G. Colodny Guest Editors: MARVIN E. GETTLEMAN and RENATE BRIDENTHAL
Editorial Perspectives:
Spain: The Legacy, the Challenge
Introduction: Robert G. Colodny The Struggle
Against Fascism at Home and Abroad
Marvin E. Gettleman
Multiple Historical Meanings of the Spanish Civil War |
Gabriel Jackson |
The Answer Lies in the Sewers: Captain Aguilera and the
Mentality of the Francoist Officer Corps |
Paul Preston |
The Spanish Civil War, 19362003: The Return of Republican
Memory |
Helen Graham |
Perspectives and Resources |
The Task My Generation Faced |
Carl Geiser |
The Myth of the Moscow Archives |
Peter Carroll |
Asian Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War |
Nancy Tsou and Len Tsou |
Woody Guthrie's Lost Song for Lincoln Vet
Steve Nelson |
Paul Mishler |
The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives at New York
University's Tamiment Library |
Michael Nash |
J. Edgar Hoover: 1938 Memorandum to Attorney General
Homer Cummings and President Franklin Roosevelt
on the Spanish Civil War and the New York
Workers School |
Spain Betrayed? The New Historical McCarthyism |
Helen Graham |
The British Contribution to the Anti-Fascist Struggle
in Spain |
Cary Nelson |
Allene G. Carter and Robert L. Allen, Honoring
Sergeant Carter |
William Loren Katz |
Paul Preston, Doves of War: Four Women of
Spain |
Shirley Mangini |
Judith Keene, Fighting for Franco: International
Volunteers in Nationalist Spain During the
Spanish Civil War, 193639
David A. Messenger |
Cary Nelson, The Wound and the Dream: Sixty
Years of American Poems about the
Spanish Civil War
Annette T. Rubinstein |